Pro-Life Student Contests

Rules and Guidelines for All Contestants
1. Entries will be accepted now through March 31, 2025.
2. Contest is open to any student aged 12-22. Must be an Ohio or SE Michigan resident. NO EXCEPTIONS.
3. By submitting entry, the contestant agrees to cite any sources used.
4. By submitting entry, the contestant (and parent if under 18) agree to allow FFL to use their names, photographs, and submissions for advertising, publicity, and promotional purposes without notification or compensation.
5. Include a cover letter that includes your full name, full address, contact phone number, email address, grade level/school name, student DOB, parent(s) name, and parental permission if under 18.
6. FFL judges will select the winners from among the entries. Winner will be announced on April 15, 2025.
7. FFL will feature winning entry on their website.
8. Pro-Life Contest winners will receive cash prizes of: $200 for 1st place, $125 for 2nd place, and $75 for 3rd place.
9. Awards will be presented at FFL’s annual Prolife Movie Night on April 24, 2025.
Additional Guidelines for each category
Video Contest:
1. The video must be 30 seconds to 2 minutes in length, address a specific pro-life
theme and be presented in a creative way.
2. Entries must be submitted to ed@fflnwo.org.
3. No professional assistance is allowed.
Creative Writing Contest:
1. The creative writing entries should address a specific pro-life theme.
2. Entries should be sent to: Foundation for Life, 5726 Southwyck Blvd, Suite 120,
Toledo, OH 43614 or email to ed@fflnwo.org.
3. The creative writing must not exceed 500 words in length.
4. The creative writing must be double spaced and pages numbered.
5. The creative writing must be in MS Word or Google doc format using 12pt font.
Boot Camp Pro-Life T-Shirt Design Contest:
1. Your t-shirt design should address a specific pro-life theme and be original. DO NOT
use copyrighted material.
2. Entries should be sent to: Foundation for Life, 5726 Southwyck Blvd, Suite 120,
Toledo, OH 43614 or email to ed@fflnwo.org.