A Prolife Vision to Impact Northwest Ohio
Learn more about our 6 new initiatives to transform Northwest Ohio into a culture that protects life.
In the coming months, Foundation for Life will launch six brand-new impact initiatives in Northwest Ohio. These are designed to build a culture of life in our community so that the dignity and value of every life is respected from conception to natural death.
6 New Initiatives
“Case For Life” Educational Video Series
This interactive video series is divided into three modules:
Embryology and Abortion Procedures: This module sets the groundwork for how we approach the issue of abortion.
How Abortion Hurts Women and the Reality of Abortion: Illustrates how abortion takes an innocent human life and hurts women on so many levels.
Equal Rights and Ways One Life Can Make a Difference: Discusses ways to change hearts and minds through powerful imagery of children lost to abortion and thoughtful dialogue surrounding this emotional subject.
Get Involved: Be a facilitator for the Case for Life Educational Video Series, helping guide discussion based on the videos' content. All volunteers will be well trained before their first facilitation.
Abundant Family Life Committees
These church-based committees will have three primary objectives:
Educate: Be a resource to their church family on the prolife issues of the day.
Communicate: Inform their congregation about what is happening across the prolife community and opportunities to serve, engage, and invest.
Care: Focus on moms in need by demonstrating Christ's love through serving the practical needs that moms face at all stages of motherhood.
Get Involved: Help start or join an already existing Abundant Family Life Committee at your local church.

Ambassadors for Life Teams
These teams, comprised of three to five members,
will visit area college campuses several times a year.
The purpose of these visits is to engage students with the grim reality of abortion by showing them images of its victims and inspiring thought-provoking conversations. Reaching these students is a crucial step in building a culture of life.
Get Involved: Join a team of 3 to 5 members that visit area college campuses to engage students with the grim reality of abortion by showing them images of its victims and inspiring thought-provoking conversations. All volunteers will be well trained before being sent out into the field.

Safe Haven Boxes
A safe haven box is a designated location where parents can anonymously and securely leave their infant if they are unable or unwilling to care for their newborn.
This initiative can be a powerful tool in helping people to understand that even in the most desperate of situations they can still choose life. With your partnership, we plan to install three baby boxes in the city of Toledo.
“A Minute for Life”
Ad Campaign
The “A Minute for Life” Ad Campaign is a series of one-minute radio spots to be played on secular stations across Northwest Ohio. Each of these ads is designed to challenge misconceptions about the prolife issues of our day.

I-LEAD Prolife Leadership Academy
This is an extensive training course divided into three sections:
Leadership Boot Camp: Attendees learn the fundamentals of being at the forefront of this vital effort to build a culture of life.
Learn to be an Influencer: Individuals receive insights on how to effectively shift cultural conversations through their interactions with others both online and offline.
Engage Through Leadership: Exclusively designed for those who want to go further and step into the role of volunteer leader in their church or local prolife organization.