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Safeguarding the 
Right to Life
in Culture and Law

Foundation for Life works to educate our fellow citizens about the objective truth of the value of every human life.


About Us

We believe every human being is created in the image of God.

The mission of Foundation for Life and Greater Toledo Right to Life is to safeguard that inalienable right to life by presenting the truth about abortion, infanticide, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia and other issues which impact the right to life.  

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Happy Girl with Glasses

Upcoming Events

Father with Newborn Baby


Pro-Life Student Contests

Students aged 12-22 are encouraged to enter submissions in any of the following categories:

-Creative Writing


-Boot Camp T-Shirt Design

Entries can be submitted now - March 31, 2025.

Father with Newborn Baby

Charity Watchlist

Are your favorite charities funding abortion?

For many years, American Life League has been tracking charitable organizations and their corresponding positions on the life issues.

Father with Newborn Baby

Chuck Childers

"If you want to learn about life issues, this educational group has an up to date, informative website. Their events and speakers are top notch. They are a go to source for me. Their email list is newsworthy for current happenings on the shifting life issues."

5726 Southwyck Blvd, Ste. 120
Toledo, Ohio 43614


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